Therapy Services, LLC
Irlen Clinic of Central Ohio
A Solution For Problems with:
Reading​​​, Dyslexia
Writing & Copying
Visual Strain & Fatigue
Attention & Concentration
Headaches & Migraine
Light Sensitivity
What is Irlen Syndrome?
Irlen Syndrome, also known as Meares Irlen Syndrome or Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, is a unique visual processing problem caused by an inefficiency in the brain's ability to process light. This is a perceptual processing problem that occurs in the brain and is not a visual problem. Irlen Syndrome is usually inherited, but can also be acquired as a result of head injury, concussion, or illness.
Who Does this affect?
15% of the general population, including average and gifted readers
46% of individuals with reading, learning and attention difficulties
33% of individuals with ADHD, Dyslexia and Behavior problems
30% of individual with Autism
High incidence in people who have suffered concussion, head injury
High incidence in people who have Lyme Disease
People with Irlen Syndrome can experience a wide range of symptoms which can include any or all of the following:
Light Sensitivity
Reading Problems
Attention and Concentration Problems
Strain and Fatigue
Headaches and Migraines
Print or Environmental Distortions
Problems with Depth Perception
Irlen Testing
The Irlen Method utilizes a two-part testing process to identify, assess, and address Irlen symptoms. Both services can be provided at this Irlen Clinic.
Part 1: An Irlen Screening will identify whether you have Irlen symptoms and determine the proper overlay color.
Part 2: The Irlen Diagnostic Assessment is required to create your individualized, precision-tinted, Irlen Spectral Filters worn as glasses or contact lenses.
Immediate improvements are achieved without the need for daily or weekly sessions
Available in more than 45 countries
Used by millions of children and adults
Backed by professional and scientific advisory boards of leading experts in the fields of medicine, optometry, ophthalmology, neuroscience, research, education, autism and dyslexia.
Irlen Spectral Filters are customized for each person from an almost limitless selection of colors-determining the specific frequency you need to optimize performance.
The Irlen Method corrects problems with the brain's visual system, eliminating over-activity in the visual cortex and surrounding brain areas. The results:
Elimination of physical symptoms, including eyestrain, headaches, nausea, fatigue, anxiety/fidgetiness, and light sensitivity
Elimination of print and environmental distortions
Improved reading comprehension, flow & fluency, duration, and accuracy
Better attention and concentration
Improved performance
Corrected depth perception
Enhanced self-esteem
Improved health and well-being